sorry for the lack of posts lately. i might try to start posting again now that club season is upon us and exciting things are happening (or so usa ultimate tells me). i'll start off with some links to tips on marking. personally i prefer having some space when i'm marking so i have more time to react and less chances to foul. a lot of people would rather play a physical mark and slow the game down with fouls though. it certainly works for some people, but not me. one thing i'm trying to work on is varying the distance between me and the thrower during the count to be less predictable (and not bail people out late in the count). it's important to put pressure on the thrower late in the count and take away as many throws as possible while not being close enough to foul, and that's a tough balance to find.
next week: zone defense
[link] - the huddle - some more advanced tips on
[link] - disc thoughts -
marking and
team defense
[link] - cultimate opinion -
marks and
[link] - ultimate thoughts -
marking (comments on
ben wiggins' seminar)
[link] - ultimate thoughts - the
static side of
[link] - ultimate thoughts - the
dynamic side of
[link] - ultimate thoughts - the importance of
[link] - ultimate thoughts - the importance of a
mobile mark
[link] - ultimate thoughts - improving
mobility on the
[link] - ultimate thoughts - eliminating the
holes in your
[link] - ultimate thoughts -
spacing during the
[link] - ultimate thoughts - staying
balanced on the
[link] - ultimate thoughts -
emotional defense and the
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