Saturday, December 12, 2009

cutting part 2

here are some more links on cutting, in case you didn't get enough last week. some good links on cutting in a horizontal stack and cutting as a handler. next week: catching

[link] - mackey - knowing when to cut and when to run
[link] - mackey - using your opponent's acceleration
[link] - mackey - being the primary cut vs. not cutting
[link] - mackey - be an ambi-turner
[link] - mackey - reading the mark as a cutter
[link] - the huddle - cutting from the middle of a horizontal stack
[link] - ben wiggins - flat stack and offensive continuation
[link] - the huddle - dump adjustments
[link] - disc thoughts - dump cuts
[link] - mit ultimate - handler cuts
[link] - mackey - cutting threat points
[link] - thinkulti - up line cuts

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