Saturday, December 5, 2009

cutting part 1

i got a job so i won't be able to update this as much, but i'll post some links tomorrow. here are some cutting tips to keep you busy

[link] - frisbee spew - 2nd and 3rd cuts
[link] - parinella - mechanical cutting
[link] - parinella - rules for cutting
[link] - parinella - purposeful walking
[link] - marshall - common cutting mistakes
[link] - cultimate - cutting moves
[link] - cultimate - keystone to cutting moves
[link] - cultimate - faking cuts
[link] - the huddle - footwork
[link] - mackey - cutting schematics
[link] - mackey - creating space
[link] - mackey - juking
[link] - mackey - stopping
[link] - mackey - adjustments

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