Sunday, January 31, 2010


one thing i'd like to try to do more this season is to pay attention to what gives me problems on offense/defense and apply them on the other side. for example, if you're having trouble getting open against someone, what exactly is the reason? is the defender in a position that makes you feel like there aren't any open cuts? look for things that s/he is doing differently from other defenders and try to use them on your next defensive possession. learn the techniques that give you trouble, and use them against your opponents.

when you're on defense and someone is constantly getting open underneath or getting you off balance with fakes, what is he doing to trick you? is he just faster than you, or is his strength in deception? if you are having trouble guarding someone, it's probably because he's doing things that you're not used to seeing. rather than get frustrated about getting beat, learn from it. if you learn how to use cuts that would fake yourself out, i guarantee you will be able to use them against someone else. you will also get a better understanding of how to defend those cuts when you see them again. the same goes for the other side: if you learn the best ways to defend yourself, you'll be able to defend other people better, and you will eventually figure out how to cut effectively against it.

[link] - upa - the new score reporter
[link] - thinkulti - throwing around a defender: the 11 yard throw

matt lane - upa club championships 2009 photo gallery

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