Friday, November 6, 2009


still waiting on the club championships video. there should be a free edited clip soon, and there will also be a more complete video with extras for sale at ultivillage for $20. this weekend has a couple of good college tournaments: border brawl (carleton, colorado, wisconsin...) and wilmington 8s (pittsburgh, cornell, virginia, florida...). it's still early in the season, but it should be interesting anyway. please submit articles, videos, and pictures to the link on the top right

[link] - upa - a look back on the club championships
[link] - ultfris - reflection on ultimate commentating
[link] - ucatch - recent open club personnel changes
[link] - ultitraining - interview with jason chow, candidate for upa board of directors
[link] - the huddle - endorsement of alex ghesquiere, candidate for upa board of directors
[link] - upa board - comments and survey about observers
[link] - canadian ultimate - 4 on 4 ultimate: good or bad for skills?
[link] - canadian ultimate - interview with kenny dobyns, star of the following video

[video] - ultitraining - cheap seats spoof of a frisbee documentary. frisbee!
[video] - ultitraining - comments and video about spiking

schmidt - club championships photo gallery

disc thoughts - the vertical stack

ultitraining - dominator friday

frisbee bob - why do you play ultimate (wdypu)? photo gallery

scobel wiggins - open club northwest regionals photo gallery

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