video of the club championships finals will supposedly be up by the end of the week. for now, there are some reviews and pictures (click on the first picture below). some old but good links today since it's the first post. please submit articles, videos, and pictures to the link on the top right
[link] - upa - open club championships finals review, point by point
[link] - ucatch - open club championships finals review
[link] - upa - open club championships results
[link] - upa - mixed club championships finals review, point by point
[link] - upa - mixed club championships results
[link] - the huddle - tips on marking a thrower
[link] - ucatch - college restructuring plan, part 1
[link] - ucatch - college restructuring plan, part 2
[link] - ucatch - open club teams compared to nfl teams
[link] - rsdnospam - in a forum format without spam
[link] - ultistats - application for tracking stats on a palm/ipod
[link] - zips tips - old but useful tips about ultimate and life
[video] - upa - open club championships semifinals, revolver v. sockeye
[video] - upa - open club championships semifinals, chain lightning v. ironside
[video] - upa - mixed club championships semifinals, clx v. quiet coyote
[video] - upa - mixed club championships semifinals, axis of c'ville v. mtf
[video] - upamedia - world games finals, usa v. japan, part 2 (part 1 was pregame)
[video] - upamedia - world games finals, usa v. japan, part 3
[video] - upamedia - world games finals, usa v. japan, part 4
[video] - upa - mens college championships finals, carleton v. colorado
[video] - thehuddle - open 2007 club championships finals, sockeye v. johnny bravo
uhl - club championships photo gallery
monup - open south regionals, chain lightning v. doublewide
frisbee bob - team strengths
5 years ago
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